Viewing Import Sites from other Project

Import Sites from other Project

User: Tim B. 5 years ago

How to import already designed sites from other EW projects in a new project.

Best regards
User: EverWeb Support 5 years ago
Hi Tim!

If you wish to base a new project on an existing project, go to Welcome to EverWeb window. Click the small arrows to the right of the project file, and select Duplicate. Open the duplicated file and make any necessary changes.

If you have further questions, could you please submit a support ticket? Log in to the Client area and click the blue button "Open New Ticket" on the Welcome page. Direct link:
I'll take it from there and will do my best to help you!


EverWeb Customer Support
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User: Geoff S. 5 years ago
That's easy - but how do you import pages from existing sites. For example if you are redesigning a web site and want to temporarily use some of the existing pages or just copy a page across - how do you do that?
User: Marybeth B. 5 years ago
While having the new project open, open up file>projects window and open the file you want to steal from. You have to copy each row, object and/or widget to it, but it's easier than recreating it. You also have to check any links, they don't come over.
User: Gay Ann R. 5 years ago
Because of the size of my site, I am considering making 3 sub-sites to go with my main site. I would like to make a feature on my main site, leave it there for a while, then move it to a related sub-site. Does anybody know an efficient way to move, say, 10 pages from one site to another? I realize I can duplicate sites, but since the sub-site will already exist, is there any way to copy the pages without doing it text box by text box and image by image?
User: Gay Ann R. 5 years ago
Related to copying, I can copy a text box and copy an image. What about a png file?
User: EverWeb Support 5 years ago
Hello Gay Ann,

I am sorry for the delayed reply.

First, regarding the copying entire pages. Yes, it is possible.
Launch EverWeb. On the projects window, locate the project you need to copy the page(s) from. Hover your mouse over the project's title and go to small black arrows on the right. Click on them and hit "Show on Disk". On the new page you right mouse click on the project file, which is highlighted and opt for "Show Package Contents". Navigate to the "Website Page" folder. Copy the necessary page(s).
Now open the project you need to copy the pages to. Drag and drop the copied pages (xml files) to the pages' list of that project. That should work.

Second, regarding the copying a PMG image. They are copied the same way as TextBoxes for example. Could you please describe the situation where it is problematic to copy PMG files?

Kind Regards,

EverWeb Customer Support
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