Viewing How to leave the vertical empty for truly responsive image slider

How to leave the vertical empty for truly responsive image slider

User: Brandon C. 5 years ago
Hi, I am trying to set up a slider for my wife's photography page. I would like it to be full width and to not specify a vertical size so that the content above and below flow with it. It appears I have to set a fixed height for the slider, but it should be a function of ratio to the width to be responsive, no? Am I missing something? If I set a small number, the photos are constrained at the width if I "fit" or cropped funny if I "fill" If I set a large height, there is tons of white space added above and below when it is viewed on a small screen. I'm looking for it to work more like a single image in a flex box. Thank you.
User: EverWeb Support 5 years ago
Hi Brandon!

Could you please specify which exact widget you use? Image Slider would work as a fixed height object. Meanwhile, Responsive image gallery, as well as the regular one, change hight according to the number of images.

If I have missed anything, could you please submit a support ticket? Log in to the Client area and click the blue button "Open New Ticket" on the Welcome page. Direct link:
I'll take it from there and will do my best to help you!


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