Viewing Image Slider images not enlarging -

Image Slider images not enlarging -

User: Michael C. 5 years ago
Using EW2.9 -

I created a page with an Image Slider widget containing 4 images - set to enlarge images when clicked.
However, when the site is published, the images do not enlarge - nothing happens with clicking the image.
How can this be fixed?
Here is the page:

Of note, I have an older page that must have been created with an older version of the Slider widget which works fine - the reason I think it must be older is that when I click on the widget in the EW app, no "options" open - almost as if EW does not recognize it as a widget and thus I cannot edit it anymore. Is that normal?
Here is that page:

Thanks for any help and suggestion!

User: wellnl 5 years ago
Hi Michael

If there is a # symbol in the url field for the image take it out and try again, it should enlarge

✔ Best Answer  
User: Michael C. 5 years ago
Yes - that fixed the problem - thank you!
The other issue - with the other page Image Slider being not modifiable - turned out to be due to the IS widget being grouped with a text box - the objects needed to be ungrouped for the widget to be selectable.
Thanks also to Alex with EW for helping with both these issues via email!

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