Viewing EverWeb slowdown - for Paul

EverWeb slowdown - for Paul

User: Courtney H. 5 years ago
This is for Paul -

I could use some guidance that tech support is not capable of giving.
Over the past year or 18 months, EW has slowed down and become jerky when moving elements around. The beachball has become my closest friend. Importing a picture or element can take 20 seconds or more.

I purchased a new iMac several months ago hoping that would bring some relief but that has been no improvement. I'm trying to determine if it's what I'm doing or a system problem because I'm choking EW with content. There are over 4-thousand pictures, mostly sized to 150 kb or less, limited to 20 per page on average. I don't do it that way anymore but the content remains. There's close 100 pages and it's certainly larger than the usual small business site.

Have I reached some limit in EW? Do I need to strip everything out of the iMac so it's clean for just doing EW work?
Is there a way to chase down the true problem? I don't want to blame EW. I like it and to port everything over to Dreamweaver or something else is a project I shudder to consider.

Any advice you can give to drive this to ground would be appreciated.

Last edit 5 years ago

MrCourtney - Honolulu, HI
Mac Studio - dial monitors; iMac 27 5K - Dual Monitors - 10 TB hub
Alienware: Area 51 - 24 gb - Dual Monitors - All SSD
25 TB network storage
User: Paul-RAGESW 5 years ago
Hi Courtney,

Without seeing your project file it would be impossible to conclusively say what the issue is.

However with 4000+ images that could explain the issue. Each time you select an element that uses an image, EverWeb selects it in the Assets list. With 4000 images this could be slowing things down because EverWeb needs to search for the image each time.

Fortunately in version 3.0 we will be significantly improving this in order to remove that delay and the spinning beach ball.

Last edit 5 years ago

EverWeb Developer
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User: Courtney H. 5 years ago
Thank you Paul. I suspected this might have been the problem. I'll trim what I can and await V3. I much appreciate your response.
Since I'm probably a worst case scenario, I'll be glad to beta test for you when the time comes :-)

MrCourtney - Honolulu, HI
Mac Studio - dial monitors; iMac 27 5K - Dual Monitors - 10 TB hub
Alienware: Area 51 - 24 gb - Dual Monitors - All SSD
25 TB network storage
User: Paul-RAGESW 5 years ago
Thanks Courtney!

We are already working on version 3.0 and hope to have a beta out on the forums in April.

EverWeb Developer
User: Roddy 5 years ago
The EverWeb Widgets site has around 1000 pages at the moment. This is actually two sites just now and I am starting a third for the new widgets based on the CSS Grid Layout Module.

The content for each site is created on several project files.
When a project file takes more than about 30 seconds to load in EverWeb, I create a new new one. This is the only time I "sea" the beachball.

That equates to about 70 pages and about 400 images. The images are all cropped to the maximum size that they will appear at in the browser before importing into EverWeb.

The new gallery widgets - which are based on the CSS grid module - were developed with the help of an EverWeb user who, as a photographer, needs to display thousands of images. The galleries are introduced in THIS post.

Chris has chosen to use THIS widget. All the images are uploaded straight to the server and don't need to be imported into EverWeb at all.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Paul-RAGESW 5 years ago
The loading of projects in EverWeb has more to do with the amount of widgets on each page rather than the actual number of pages and images in your website project.

Although we are improving this, it has little to do with the number of pages and images. The number of widgets and the size of them on a page will slow down the loading of a project file.

Last edit 5 years ago

EverWeb Developer
User: Roddy 5 years ago
I notice that, in the latest version, widgets no longer refresh when a page is opened in EverWeb. We used to see the refresh arrows appear - one by one - in each widget.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Paul-RAGESW 5 years ago
Quote: Roddy - 25/02/2019 18:30:09
I notice that, in the latest version, widgets no longer refresh when a page is opened in EverWeb. We used to see the refresh arrows appear - one by one - in each widget.

Are they not showing up as they should?

We put in an optimization to make switching pages faster, especially when using lots of widgets. However, they should work fine and update properly.

Last edit 5 years ago

EverWeb Developer
User: Roddy 5 years ago
Yes, they show up as they should and switching pages is faster. All my pages are nothing else but widgets!


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Courtney H. 5 years ago
Roddy -

Can you explain this further?

"The content for each site is created on several project files. "
I guess I need a short walk-through on how to make this happen. I'm a bit lost.


MrCourtney - Honolulu, HI
Mac Studio - dial monitors; iMac 27 5K - Dual Monitors - 10 TB hub
Alienware: Area 51 - 24 gb - Dual Monitors - All SSD
25 TB network storage
User: Roddy 5 years ago
Create two projects by duplicating the project file and then delate the pages that aren't required in each one. Also, use the Assets List function to delete unused assets.

You can upload one section to the root folder and the other to a directory with links to each other.

Alternatively, upload both to directories and create a landing page project which is uploaded to the root. This would have links to both directories.
This second method would be my choice as it makes it easier to add more directories in the future.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Courtney H. 5 years ago
Thank you.

MrCourtney - Honolulu, HI
Mac Studio - dial monitors; iMac 27 5K - Dual Monitors - 10 TB hub
Alienware: Area 51 - 24 gb - Dual Monitors - All SSD
25 TB network storage
User: Tony R. 5 years ago
Paul, you mention above about splitting projects and then linking them. This sounds like an ideal solution for my situation, where every year I add about 90 pages containing about 300 images. Creating a new project for each year, and linking it to an expanding landing page, sounds good. But having searched, I can't find the way to link projects. Could you provide a reference to where I could find an explanation in existing EverWeb documentation, or else provide an explanation here in the Forum?
User: Roddy 5 years ago
See yout other TOPIC.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.

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