Viewing Has anyone switched their blog from centered layout to responsive?

Has anyone switched their blog from centered layout to responsive?

User: Ana C. 5 years ago
I want to go to a responsive blog, but i am afraid to just make the switch on the inspector sidebar.

Has anyone done this?
User: wellnl 5 years ago
Hi Ana

Yes you can do this... you need to change the page layout for all the pages, blog, posts and archive.
You need to be careful as changing the page layout cannot be undone once you do it. So... you may want to make a duplicate project file (use the up/down arrows on the Project in the Projects Window and select duplicate) so you can try before you do it for real. I advise this way as you can't duplicate a blog in the project file.

Changing the page layout for a blog is the same as for a regular page, so you will need to reorganise the content in the blog so that it conforms to being responsive.

Hope that helps!

User: Paul-RAGESW 5 years ago
HI Ana,

Following up on Simon's comment for blog pages it shouldn't be too difficult to make the change.

Once you change to a Responsive layout the objects will change to full width.

You may need to re-arrange part of the design.

If you only have the actual blog field and a few other objects on your page it should be easy to make the small modifications to your design so it works as a full width, responsive page.

Without seeing your actual website or blog page it is impossible to know for sure though.

EverWeb Developer

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