Viewing Master page footer size

Master page footer size

User: J Lee H. 5 years ago
I am trying to expand the size of the master page footers. I've looked through the manual and on the EverWeb site, and everything I can find says it will expand automatically as content is added. However, this is not happening for me. I cannot get the footer to expand -- it refuses to budge.

There's something else strange happening in the master page footer. I have two images that I want to reduce the opacity so that I can put a text box over them. However, when I reduce the opacity, *everything* in the footer grows dim, even when the two images are the only thing I have selected.
User: Paul-RAGESW 5 years ago

I'm really sorry, but I don't know what would cause this and it's a little difficult to understand the issue.

Could you send a screen recording to customer support so we can understand a bit better what exactly is happening.

You can record your screen using Quicktime which is in your Applications folder. Open Quicktime and select 'New Screen Recording' from the File menu.

Once you are done, your recording will be on your desktop. Please send that recording to customer support.

EverWeb Developer

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