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Back to the top of the page

User: Susan S. 5 years ago
I'm working on a rather large site and some pages have a lot of content (not my choice I like a lot of white space).

When that content is displayed on a mobile page (there is a separate mobile site) there is a lot of scrolling.

What is the easiest way to put a link or button at the bottom of those long pages so a visitor can get back to the top and the hamburger menu?

Is there some way I can put it in the footer of the Mobile Master page and have a "universal" code that will go to the top of the page? Or does it have to be put on each page individually?


User: Paul-RAGESW 5 years ago
Hi Susan,

There is a Widget for this by Roddy.

There is also the built in scroll position feature.

EverWeb Developer

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