Viewing EverWeb 2.8 BETA VERSION with Responsive Page Layout Design

EverWeb 2.8 BETA VERSION with Responsive Page Layout Design

User: Paul-RAGESW 6 years ago
******** UPDATE: EverWeb 2.8 is HERE, check out the full EverWeb 2.8 Announcement *******

We've been working exceptionally hard on the next release of EverWeb and this version is so BIG we may end up calling it 3.0!

We've made enhancements to blogging, privacy, our Widget system that allows third parties to extend EverWeb, Widget Organization and Easy Responsive Websites (please read more below about this).

This version of EverWeb is a beta version which means it is still in testing. Some features may change and some may not work as expected. We are providing this version for our customers so they can provide feedback. We recommend only working on backups of your website or test websites only

What's New in 2.8 (Hint: Lots!)

Responsive Websites

This is the biggest feature we have been working on and providing the easiest way to create a responsive website is our top priority!

The challenge with responsive websites is that you can't offer the same design flexibility that you get with EverWeb unless you want to redesign your site for each browser size. So we have designed an all new Responsive Page Layout option and new Widgets that let you easily design a responsive website, while still getting a lot of flexibility in your web site design.

Responsive Websites will use the “Responsive Layout“ option under Inspector->Page Settings-> Page Layout

Once that is selected you will use Widgets that will be added to this page as "Sections". These "Sections" will stack one after the other and let you re-arrange them horizontally by dragging them vertically up or down.

Not all of EverWeb's Widgets are ready for “Responsive Layout” so the all new ‘Responsive Row’ widget will let you use any existing widget on a Responsive Page.

We have created a few video tutorials to walk you through the Responsive design concepts in this new version. We highly recommend spending a few minutes watching them.

We look forward to your feedback and improving the Responsive Features with your input!

These video tutorials will walk you through the entire process in creating a responsive website and explain any new concepts in an easy format.

What are Responsive Websites
EverWeb Responsive PageLayout Settings
Creating A Responsive Page In EverWeb
Responsive Row Widget
Build Responsive Websites with EverWeb

This is the latest chapter of the Responsive Page Layout mode in EverWeb, complete with conversion guides for existing websites and extra details to help you create your responsive websites;
Responsive Websites in EverWeb PDF

If you go to the EverWeb menu and select ‘Check for New Templates’ you will find 4 new responsive templates that will help you get started. They are called;



1. Blogging
Blogging has been improved with a new drafts features and the ability to set the publish date to the date of publishing your website.

Draft blogs will not be published online until you mark them as ready. Blog posts can be set to 'Use Website Publish date" which means they will automatically use the date and time you publish your website as their publish date.

Blogging Drafts Video Tutorial

2. Widget Organization
Third party widgets can now be organized into groups. With hundreds of available third party widgets you can now easily organize them within EverWeb's widget tab

Widget Organization Tutorial

3. Underlying Speed Improvements
EverWeb's core has been completely re-written to provide faster project loading, publishing and general use.

4. PayPal widget improvements
Add product weight and size options

5. HTTPS Secure Website Improvements
EverWeb now uses proper https secure urls (when available) for social media and third party websites

6. Publishing Issues
Many publishing issues have been fixed and better error reporting if you do have a publishing issue.

7. Lots of other changes with existing widgets. Plus a few new ones including Responsive Row, Flex Box, Responsive Image Gallery and Text Section which will help you with adding awesome designs and features to your responsive Website

8. Navigation menu now has an option to include a logo with a link for the Responsive mode

Please remember that this is a beta version so it has not been fully tested. We are looking forward to your feedback to help make this version even better!

EverWeb 2.8 is already released, download it from the EverWeb downloads page.

Last edit 5 years ago

EverWeb Developer
User: Jay J. 6 years ago
Hi Paul!

Almost afraid to ask, but.... will it run on my old, but trusted, OS 10.7.5 iMac? ( I am using Everweb 2.7 at the moment)
User: Paul-RAGESW 6 years ago
This beta version requires 10.9 or later.

We will try to get the final version for 10.7 and 10.8 out as well. Those operating systems are almost a decade old but we'll see what we can do.

EverWeb Developer
User: Jay J. 6 years ago
WOW!! If the new Everweb responsive layouts are as response fast as you are, then you've got a winner!

Thanks for getting back so quickly, Paul.

I use my Mac to make materials for my school and I'm trying to get as much millage as possible... It would be great if I could make my homepage responsive, since most people here (in Japan) use their smartphone or tablet computer to check things on the Internet.

Again, thanks for the fast response!
User: Erik D. 6 years ago
Looks very promising!
I would like to convert my current site to responsive. Is it possible to add a responsive row to an existing page and then drag the already existing text boxes and pictures into responsive rows? I have tried to do this, but it looks as if I have to create new text boxes, shapes or pictures to put into the responsive rows. Drag and drop would make conversion of a non-responsive site to responsive very easy.
User: Erik D. 6 years ago
Looks very promising!
I would like to convert my current site to responsive. Is it possible to add a responsive row to an existing page and then drag the already existing text boxes and pictures into responsive rows? I have tried to do this, but it looks as if I have to create new text boxes, shapes or pictures to put into the responsive rows. Drag and drop would make conversion of a non-responsive site to responsive very easy.
User: Aristomenis X. 6 years ago
Hey Paul!

Great news and it does look promising. Some polishing remaining but I would not call this a step I would definitely call it a leap forward!

One question: Where can we send out feedback?
User: Paul-RAGESW 6 years ago
@Hans: Making your website responsive should be fairly straightforward once the 10.7 - 10.9 version is released for you.


I would like to convert my current site to responsive. Is it possible to add a responsive row to an existing page and then drag the already existing text boxes and pictures into responsive rows? I have tried to do this, but it looks as if I have to create new text boxes, shapes or pictures to put into the responsive rows. Drag and drop would make conversion of a non-responsive site to responsive very easy

Yes you can add existing textboxes/shapes/widgets etc... to the Responsive Row by right clicking and select 'Embed In' and then selecting the Responsive Row you want to add the object to

@Aristomenis: You can submit feedback in the forums or feel free to send feedback to customer support. We're looking forward to hearing from you!

EverWeb Developer
User: Paul-RAGESW 6 years ago
A new beta version is available at the link in the first post.

It includes some fixes and a few additions for responsive blogs.

- macOS 10.14 Mojave fixes
- From the 'Add Page' window you will see a drop down menu at the top to quickly see responsive, fixed width and new templates. If you have already Checked for New Templates please do it again with this version in order to see the Responsive themes show up properly when this option is selected by the drop down menu
- Responsive Row Widget shows its size outline even if show layout is off
- Max Height/Width option for blog post cover images to help achieve a proper responsive blog post

EverWeb Developer
User: Paul-RAGESW 6 years ago
A new beta version is available at the link in the first post here. We focused in stability and usability issues in this beta version.


- FlexBox now uses link colors set under the hyperlink tab
- You can now name Responsive Row Widgets so you can better recognize them when embedding objects inside one
- Responsive Row Widgets now show their name in the top left of each row when Show Layout is enabled
- Fix for the Text Section widget when image alignment Is set to Top
- Typing in a widget’s Styled Text Editor should update the Design Canvas automatically without having to click another control. There is a small 1.5 second delay after you stop typing to update the Design Canvas
- Fixed a crash that could happen when using Undo after publishing
- Should fix a few caching issues when publishing websites, especially with fonts not appearing properly after publishing or text not having the correct styling until the cache is emptied
- Other small bug fixes and improvements

Last edit 6 years ago

EverWeb Developer
User: Paul-RAGESW 5 years ago
A new beta version is available from the link in the first post here.

We have made some additional improvements to the Responsive Row which now lets you specify Margins around each object rather than column spacing. This makes sure that all objects line up centred on mobile devices when objects are stacked vertically.

We've also improved the four Video a Audio widgets so they can be added to Responsive Pages without using a Responsive Row and they properly resize themselves.

- Responsive Rows now have an option to set Padding around entire objects rather than Column Spacing to provide a nicer layout
- Optimized some of the code for Responsive Row widgets
- Updated the following Widgets so they work on Responsive Pages without modification: YouTube, Video, Vimeo, Audio, Contact Form
- The Youtube and Vimeo widgets let you specify a max width for them and are centered on the Responsive Page when they reach the max width
- Some Fixes to the Responsive Row Widget
- Added additional settings to the Youtube Video widget
- Fixed a bug with Adding New Pages and some images not properly copying over to the new page

EverWeb Developer
User: Henry Lerche R. 5 years ago
Is there any time horizon, when 2.8 will be public?
User: Paul-RAGESW 5 years ago
Quote: Henry Lerche R. - 13/10/2018 18:18:35
Is there any time horizon, when 2.8 will be public?

By public, do you mean official? Because you can use it now.

If you mean the official release, we hope by the end of the month. We are just putting in improvements based on feedback now.

EverWeb Developer
User: Bill B. 5 years ago
Hi Paul, All very cool. I’ve already converted/uploaded one of my simple static sites and it works great in responsive mode. Thanks for getting out the beta.

Speaking of simple, any chance that on responsive sites you can include a maximum page-width setting so that simple sites, when appearing on wide screens, don’t seem to have sections that spread all the way across the screen, leaving the few objects seemingly floating in the oceanic middle of the canvas? That is, when you just have a few objects to put on a page, having only a “full width” setting for the page background (or content width?) eliminates the option of having a nice framing effect by having page background boundaries. (Of course, you still need a full-width browser background.)

User: Chris B. 5 years ago
Hey Paul,
The BETA is a fantastic improvement and a huge step forward, you and the development team must be congratulated for this.
I have noticed a few things however, not sure if these have been picked up:

1) when inserting a lot of images into a responsive gallery (or any gallery) you get the option to convert the image for web resolution and the "do this for all" is displayed... When I click this check box I'm still prompted for each image.

2) The image gallery will only accept 50 images, however if you have dragged and dropped more than this.. (I had dropped 150) you are still asked about the conversion for each image over and over followed by an error message - there was no way of stopping this I had to terminate the application and lost buy work lol..

Also could the responsive image gallery have unlimited images? perhaps with a lazy load system? I am trying to display proof images to a client and unfortunately cannot use this tool.
I am not a fan of the traditional gallery as I want the images to a) fit together nicely and b) don't want separate image pages.

Perhaps you could work with me on this one Paul please as its something thats really need as discussed before.

Keep up the good work guys!.

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