Viewing directories inside directories - they dont appear in the menue

directories inside directories - they dont appear in the menue

User: Chris T. 6 years ago

i made a directory inside my website. inside this directory i made 3 subdirectories. inside these subdirectories i put in 3 webpages.

the subdirectories as the pages within are listed with "show in navigationmenue"

still, if i publish or try out inside EV the menue only shows me the first 3 directories, but none of the sites within

its like menue A only drops down X Y Z - instead of A dops down X Y Z and Z drops down page 1 2 3

where is the problem please.

i have to say, i am working with everweb for just some houres now, and EVERTHING i did till now ended up with a bug and not working as it really getting frustrated. and i didnt even bother to mentions all bugs i allready found.

whats going on, i cant work like this!!!

hope at least for soon support

best, christoph
User: EverWeb Support 6 years ago
Hi Christoph,

We are sorry for these issues you’re experiencing and for the frustrating experience with our app.

In order for us to provide you with further assistance, we need to try reproducing this issue from our end.
We would like to ask you for your EverWeb Project file. Please open EverWeb’s Projects window, click the arrows next to your project and select “Send Project File to Support”.
After the project file is uploaded, EverWeb will give you a link. Please send that link to so we can download the project.

NOTE: If your project is over 2GB in size or if you have an older version of EverWeb, you won’t be able to send it that way. To send it to us in that case, please follow this link and follow the steps outlined on the page:

NOTE: Do NOT remove the project file from the folder with project files.

Also, please mention all the bugs that you’ve found. This will definitely help us improve our software.

Thank you in advance!

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Best Regards,

EverWeb Customer Support
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User: Roddy 6 years ago
Although EverWeb will create sub directories, the built in navigation can only handle directories.

If you want to use sub directories, you would need to use a sub navigation. Most sites use mega menus rather than multi level menus as they are less confusing. The old EverWeb Codebox site uses a mega menu which is created using code insertion.

The new EverWeb Widgets site uses breadcrumbs which are much more straight forward and less confusing.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.

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