Viewing move or copy sites between different websites inside everweb

move or copy sites between different websites inside everweb

User: Chris T. 6 years ago

in iweb i could easily drag and drop sites from one website-project to another website-project. all websites where listed at the right side of the programwindow..

now in everweb, all websites use another programwindow, and i cant find a way to move sites between projects (websites)

how to please, thats a must for me to try different versions of a site etc.

also it would be interesting how to dublicate whole websites inside everweb..

best, c.
User: EverWeb Support 6 years ago
Hi Gabu,

Though EverWeb and iWeb are very alike, they do not work completely the same.
In EverWeb’s Projects window you have a list of your website project files - a separate one for each website.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to move or copy pages/directories from one project file to another, but you definitely can copy-paste the content of the pages.
You can also easily duplicate your project files in order to try different designs/create different versions of your websites. Simply go to the Projects list in EverWeb => click the two little arrows next to the project file you’d like to duplicate => select Duplicate from the drop-down menu.

Best Regards,

EverWeb Customer Support
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