Viewing iweb seo

iweb seo

User: Susan R. 6 years ago
I'm trying to publish my iWeb website (haven't gotten it changed to EverWeb yet!) using iWeb seo. I've used it in the past with no problems, but today I've tried ten different things and none of them work. I've tried uploading changes only and the entire website. It goes through the ftp upload process and says "successfully published" but when I go to the site it's the old version. Can anyone help? Thanks!

Last edit 6 years ago
User: EverWeb Support 6 years ago
Hi, Susan!

Have you tried clearing caches of your browser? It's possible that your old site was cached by the browser and shows you the old version even after the new one was uploaded.

And check your site in other browsers too.


EverWeb Customer Support
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User: Susan R. 6 years ago
Thanks. I did clear an hour’s worth of cache twice, but no farther than that. I’ll also try another browser.
User: Susan R. 6 years ago
Hi Wayne,

I realized that I hadn't cleared my Safari cache before, only my history. So I did clear the cache--no change. I also tried Chrome and Firefox, and cleared their caches--no change. The changes I've made are still not showing up. I'm also not able to upload through SSL like I used to be able to do, only through a non-secure connection now. Not sure whether this has anything to do with anything. I did call my hosting company; they had me ping their site and said it was working fine. They wondered if iWebSEO had changed or updated something. But my version of iWebSEO says 3.1.
Any other suggestions? Thanks.
User: EverWeb Support 6 years ago
Hi, Susan!

Could you please send us a screenshot of Site Publishing Settings in iWeb to Customer Support

Thanks in advance!


Last edit 4 years ago

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