Viewing widget image slider corrupting images

widget image slider corrupting images

User: Sarina B. 6 years ago
I'm an EverWeb user on a Mac OS.10.9.5. I used an image slider widget to build my gallery pages. The other day I was editing info in a metadata-box, description-box, and redirect-box, on one of my pages. As I was doing this, all of the sudden my images went crazy and began ballooning in size and taking over the entire project window. When I publish the corrupted pages to a folder, the site looks normal. However when I published to my server the image issues all published to my website. (I have attached a screenshot of the project window, and a screenshot of my site after the corrupted widget issue published to my website)

I tried downloading the most recent version of EverWeb and that didn't fix anything, it just made the issue affect more pages. The same problem has happened twice before over the last couple of years. The first time I was able to remedy it by simply repairing my permissions in disc utility. The second time it happened, upgrading my operating system to Maverick fixed the issue. Hoping you have something I can download that will fix this. If the only fix is downloading an older version of EverWeb that is fine with me, as long as I don't lose my data. (I have temporarily removed the damaged pages from my website until the problem can be remedied) I'm an EverWeb user on a Mac OS.10.9.5. I used an image slider widget to build my gallery pages. The other day I was editing info in a metadata-box, description-box, and redirect-box, on one of my pages. As I was doing this, all of the sudden my images went crazy and began ballooning in size and taking over the entire project window. When I publish the corrupted pages to a folder, the site looks normal. However when I published to my server the image issues all published to my website. (I have attached a screenshot of the project window, and a screenshot of my site after the corrupted widget issue published to my website)

I tried downloading the most recent version of EverWeb and that didn't fix anything, it just made the issue affect more pages. The same problem has happened twice before over the last couple of years. The first time I was able to remedy it by simply repairing my permissions in disc utility. The second time it happened, upgrading my operating system to Maverick fixed the issue. Hoping you have something I can download that will fix this. If the only fix is downloading an older version of EverWeb that is fine with me, as long as I don't lose my data. (I have temporarily removed the damaged pages from my website until the problem can be remedied) Looking forward to hearing back from you.

Thank you,

Last edit 6 years ago

image malfunction in project window
Screen Shot 2018-06-13 at 3.54.56 PM.png
image malfunction published to server
User: Paul-RAGESW 6 years ago
Your website is working ok for me.

Are you still having issues?

It could be that you have java script disabled in your web browser?

EverWeb Developer

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