Viewing SSL certificates

SSL certificates

User: Susan S. 6 years ago
I don't sell anything from my site nor do I take any personal info from it but it's my understanding that my site will say "not secure" as of July. I am a small business so that will scare away customers. So I feel I'm going to be forced to get an SSL certificate.

I looked at getting a free one from Let's Encrypt but how to get it and install it is way beyond me.

Is there anything special I have to do with my Everweb websites after I buy a SSL certificate? My hosting is GoDaddy. Will my Everweb site work correctly or is there something I have to do?

I'm reasonably sure I saw something about this recently, things I have to do to Everweb but I search and can't find the info now.

Any help from anyone is greatly appreciated.

User: EverWeb Support 6 years ago
Hi Susan,

SSL certificate will also help with your search engine rankings because Google will apply more credibility to websites protected by an SSL certificate.

Once you will get it, I would recommend you to re-publish your website.

Feel free to contact us at

Have a nice day!


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User: Aaron C. 6 years ago
Can you please explain how to implement https on my website which is not hosted by Everweb?

User: Roddy 6 years ago
You would need to contact your hosting service to find out the cost and what hoops you have to jump through to do it.

It's my understading that the warning should only appear if there are user inputs like login, contact and signup forms where visitors are sending personal data to your server.

This is due to happen this month but only with Google Chrome V68 which hasn't been released yet. It's uncertain if/when the other popular browser will follow suit.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.

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