Viewing How I Make Those Statics Vertical Bars on Everwebb?

How I Make Those Statics Vertical Bars on Everwebb?

User: Miguel B. 6 years ago
Hello everyone,

I would like to know how I make on Everweb those vertical statics bars as this website:

As I change the size of my browser screen, those bars stay statics.
I am referring to the left vertical bar green+brown, and the big black at right on the screen.

I hope I was clear enough. I send a print screen to be more precise.

Thank you all.

Captura de ecrã 2018-03-29, às 13.50.41.png

Captura de ecrã 2018-03-29, às 13.50.48.png
User: EverWeb Support 6 years ago
Hi, Miguel!

Try Left Aligned Layout, this should work for you. Select the page, and on the right side go to Inspector > Page Settings > Page Layout section and select the above-mentioned option.

Hope that helps,


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