Viewing Single page site construction / navigation

Single page site construction / navigation

User: Robert W. 6 years ago
Hi- I've noticed some more modern sites where everything is one fluid scrolling page, meaning you can see everything by scrolling down and when clicking on a navigation button it just jumps you down to the relevant part of the page. Having trouble finding a way to do this in Everweb... anyone know if this is possible??

Thank you much
User: Paul-RAGESW 6 years ago
Hi Robert,

You can do this but instead of using the built in navigation menu you would have to create a navigation menu using a regular text box.

Then use the “insert scroll position” option from the toolbar to mark the areas where you want to smooth scroll to.

Then you can link the Textbox to the scroll positions.

EverWeb Developer
User: Roddy 6 years ago
The Sticky Anchor Navigation is designed for this purpose and can be used with any of the anchor widgets in the Anchors pack.

The navigation can either appear on page load or appear after the page is scroll a set amount. The tabs then fix themselves at a preset distance from the top of the browser to always remain in view.

A popular alternative is the dot style navigation.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Robert W. 6 years ago
Hi- Thank you for your reply. I did just purchase the Anchors pack but it seems the available fonts in the Sticky navigation widget is very limited, and I wanted to keep my font Phosphate... is this possible? I'm also not sure how the "font family" or Google Fonts settings in tab styles relates or impacts this (doesn't seem to).
User: Roddy 6 years ago
If the font is Google hosted, you would enter the font name into the widget settings, check the box and select a suitable web safe fallback font.

If the font is self hosted, you need to make it available on your server. See THIS page for more info.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.

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