Viewing Setting hyperlink colours -- creating 'default'?

Setting hyperlink colours -- creating 'default'?

User: Ben L. 6 years ago
I'm trying to create a set of default colours for the hyperlink formatting. There is the choice to 'Set Default Link Colours'. I set these. But every time I go to use the hyperlink formatting it has defaulted back to the blue, red, yellow.

Am I not getting something here? Is there a way to set my OWN default colours and underlining, no-underlining?

All ears,

User: EverWeb Support 6 years ago
Hi, Ben!

You need to go to Format - Default Styles and specify your colors in that small window, click on Save at the end. You will need to close the project and then open it again before the new colors appear.


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User: Ben L. 6 years ago
Thank you kindly Wayne. Will do. Very much appreciated. It was the closing and opening of the project that I was missing.

All the best, Ben
User: richardttt 4 years ago
How do you apply default link colors to existing links?

It's hit or miss for me. Sometimes it is applied and sometimes it is not.

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