Viewing From Word Document to EverWeb

From Word Document to EverWeb

User: Anders H. 6 years ago
I would like to very easily convert Word documents to Web. So, I save a word document as .html, and copy the code into an HTML snippet in EverWeb. This works well, except I get weird characters showing up, e.g., tabs become daggers. On the other hand, when I open the Word generated .html directly in Safari, all is right. This is probably a font issue, but how do I solve it?
User: Roddy 6 years ago
Text is entered into widgets as HTML so you need to use <br> for line breaks and convert special characters to their HTML equivalent.

See THIS page under "Line Breaks & Special Characters" for more info.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Anders H. 6 years ago
This doesn't really seem to answer my question. Word already has converted it to HTML, which displays correctly in Safari. But when copied into the HTML widget, some characters are displayed incorrectly. My guess it has something to do with font encoding (UTF-8 etc.), but I don't know to correct it.
User: Roddy 6 years ago
The HTML Snippet widget is for inserting HTMLcode snippets - not a complete HTML document.

See THIS page for how to insert the different types of code into an EverWeb page.

The alternative is to upload the HTML doc created by Word to the server and reference it in an iFrame. A suitable widget can be found in the Elements pack and the page shows an example of an HTML doc displayed in an iframe.

The HTML file can be dragged into the Assets List, selected and the relative file path copied and pasted into the widget. Make sure the file has a distinctive file name with no spaces or special characters.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Anders H. 6 years ago
Actually, I found the solution: The trick is to save in Word as "Webpage, Filtered" not as "Webpage." Then it's displayed perfectly. For a "Webpage, Filtered" word will not show the html code, so one has to find some other editor that will show the html code and then paste into EverWeb.

My goal was to find an easy way to quickly convert frequently changing word documents into web, even if not perfect, and this works.

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