Viewing Paypal confirmation page redirect

Paypal confirmation page redirect

User: Mark D. 6 years ago
I have an existing Opencart e commerce shop and when I make a (Paypal) sale it redirects to a confirmation page. This is set up in my Paypal merchant account settings.Now, I've set up EW selling page using the paypal widget. How do I redirect sales confirmations from the EW page to the URL of my other Opencart confirmation page ? as customers (on EW page) keep getting the 404 error which makes them wonder if the transaction has gone through.
User: Paul-RAGESW 6 years ago
Hi Mark,

I am not 100% because I don't know what exactly you have set up but with the PayPal widget under the Inspector->Widget settings for the PayPal widget there is an option to forward to a thank you page that you have created with EverWeb.

Otherwise if you have deleted the page from your server that you have set PayPal to forward to that could be the reason,

I can't offer a definite solution because I don't know exactly what you have set up but by setting the thank you page in EverWeb that should work.

EverWeb Developer

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