Viewing Can I build a master page from a master page?

Can I build a master page from a master page?

User: Hans B. 6 years ago
Is there a way to build a master page and have it reference another master page? I want to create multiple "mini-sites" within the primary, having similar characteristics (header & footer), but different content based on category? It would much more convenient to edit a "master master" once than editing multiple master pages to modify the same info.
User: Paul-RAGESW 6 years ago
Hi Hans,

Right now it is not possible but it is something we have been considering adding because we do think it would be very helpful.

Thank you for the suggestions!

EverWeb Developer
User: Erik D. 6 years ago
Would be nice. Master-master to set header and footer, menu, perhaps page background. Regular master to set place holders for text, pictures, video, etc. On the regular pages you can choose within the regular masters to set up a page. Then fill in the text in the place holder, fill in pictures in place-holders, etc. It would bring more consistency to a website when content and lay-out are split up between masters and regular pages - and, when added special password access for master pages, it creates a sort of "CMS lite".

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