Viewing Product reviews widget?

Product reviews widget?

User: Chris P. 6 years ago
Hello group:

Is there a widget for product reviews? Example: Scroll down a wee bit and look at the row of tabs, and the one on the far right is product reviews. On my old website I just used a custom form, and then added each review to my website manually when they arrived in my inbox, but I'd rather have something a bit more automated.

User: Roddy 6 years ago
To do it within EverWeb, you could use the Blog with comments.

If you want the page to be responsive so that it can be viewed on computers and mobile devices, you could use any of the Responsive Blog widgets which have comments as an option.

The Photo Blog widget will allow you to insert a text wrapped thumbnail with lightbox image or slideshow on click.

If you want to use video - MP4, Vimeo or YouTube - the Videocast widgets in the Podcast section have an option for adding comments.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.

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