Viewing Publish to Folder when "you don't have an active Everweb account"?

Publish to Folder when "you don't have an active Everweb account"?

User: Garrett N. 6 years ago
I can't figure out how to export the site either to a Folder or via FTP to my host. Seems that EW keeps trying to publish it via an EW account despite me changing the publish settings. Any ideas?

screenshot of error
User: Ana F. 6 years ago
I had that issue - my upgrade plan expired- you can use the software but can’t publis in newer version - it says to you that you should downgrade so you can publish or you can extend your plan...

you can downgrade the software to a version that still works for you - look at the client area for your downloads. everything will work as you are used to - you just can not upgrade the software anymore.

If you want to use the new features in the new software - that came out after your submision ended - you can open and make sites BUT you can not publish anywhere...

In my case - I upgraded...

I hope that helps

Last edit 6 years ago

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