Viewing Place holders in text windows??

Place holders in text windows??

User: Timothy M. 6 years ago
I'm not sure I'm calling this by the right name - place holders (?), but what I am trying to do is perhaps complicated to do, and more-so to explain. I have a blog on the front page of my website, which utilizes a scrolling window. As I enter new blog entries in Everweb, the text in my blog page pushes down as I add the text to the top. In my previous blog entry there were multiple photos inserted in between text; however, as I try to add text at the top, they do not move down with the text. Does this make sense? You can look at my current website at


User: Timothy M. 6 years ago
Never mind. I just found that blog capability now exists and solves this issue. However, since I have now added a blog page and published it along with my site, every single font and formatting on my site has changed, and now my site looks like total crap. Everything is exactly the same within EverWeb, just not live on my site. What gives??? I've closed the program and rebooted a couple times thinking it might flush the buffer, but no such luck. Anybody got any suggestions? Bueller??
User: Timothy M. 6 years ago
Never mind. I just found that blog capability now exists and solves this issue. However, since I have now added a blog page and published it along with my site, every single font and formatting on my site has changed, and now my site looks like total crap. Everything is exactly the same within EverWeb, just not live on my site. What gives??? I've closed the program and rebooted a couple times thinking it might flush the buffer, but no such luck. Anybody got any suggestions? Bueller??

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