Viewing SEO Problems

SEO Problems

User: Peter E. 6 years ago

I created a website,, in June this year and have followed all the tutorials on SEO. I uploaded a sitemap, optimised the site with keywords and submitted the site for a index crawl.

I was told that it takes time for your site to be indexed and have been checking it for the past 4 months. I want my site to appear when someone searches "document scanning", but according to my analysis and SEO checkers, I am not being listed at all.

Surely 4 months is long enough isn't it?

Can someone tell me where I am going wrong please?



Last edit 6 years ago
User: Roddy 6 years ago
The first thing to do would be login to your Google account and go to webmaster -> tools -> dashboard -> sitemaps to make sure the sitemap has been submitted and the pages indexed.

The best way to asses a page for SEO is to take out all the media - images, slideshows, audio and video. Does the remaining text accurately describe the product or service, where we can get and how to get more info?

The first big problem I see with your site is the lack of text. The search engines need key words. Take a look ay your competitors to see which keywords they use and how much text the use to describe their service.

You need to localise your business by giving your geographic location. If I was searching for "documnnt scanning" in Australia I would at least enter the town or city name. Get a free Google Business Listing.

If you want people to contact you, they need your phone number, email address and/or street address. A contact form on its own is pretty useless. A lot of people don't want to give up their email address for an initial enquiry for fear of being pounded by unwanted sales emails..


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.

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