Viewing EverWeb 2.5 Beta: 64Bit, New Widgets, Better Preview and more...

EverWeb 2.5 Beta: 64Bit, New Widgets, Better Preview and more...

User: Menno H. 7 years ago
Hi Paul (and all the others of course),

Trying to use Facebook Page Timeline widget, Are there conditions that apply to make this work? Not working on a public group right now.
User: Paul-RAGESW 7 years ago
Hi Menno,

It looks like Facebook only allows embedded of Pages and not Groups unfortunately.

I tried to find a way to embed a Facebook Group Timeline but I could not find one. Only Facebook Pages at the moment.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

EverWeb Developer
User: Menno H. 7 years ago
Thx for fast reply. Is not inconvenient, just something I ran into :)
Will try to find more suprises, still love the app.

PS: why dont you reverse the order in the forum to last added on top?
User: Paul-RAGESW 7 years ago
PS: why dont you reverse the order in the forum to last added on top

You mean the latest replies should be at the top?

I think that may make it confusing for people to follow the thread properly.

In the case of this beta, if you find specific issues I do recommend you start a new forum post for specific issues to keep things more organized.

EverWeb Developer
User: Paul-RAGESW 7 years ago
A new update with a few beta fixed for EverWeb 2.5 is available from the first post in this thread.

We have also added a version for 10.6 to 10.8 in addition to the 10.9+ release.

- Updated FB Timeline Widget to use newer Facebook API
- Fixed shadow opacity issue
- Fixed an issue with installing custom fonts from a theme
- Fixed a problem installing local themes. They wouldn’t be added to EverWeb’s themes until you quit and relaunched
- Optimized drawing on macOS
- Fixed problem with reading backup projects
- Slightly changed UI of font panel window search field
- Memory optimizations
- Fixed exporting of roundrect shapes with mouse over/down effects and gradients

EverWeb Developer
User: Paul-RAGESW 7 years ago
The final version of EverWeb 2.5 is now available. See our announcement here.

EverWeb Developer

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