Viewing i frame uses

i frame uses

User: spyboynola 7 years ago
Now I take information ( music listings) done in HTML and copy and paste into three different size websites. With Iframe I could just do one and direct the others to the proper place. Please say yes would change my life! also am I to understanding that Clients could make their own changes with out EW? too good to be true.
User: Roddy 7 years ago
Yes, you can show the same info on several sites using an iframe. The new iframe widget allpws you to display responsive content and has code added to allow the content to scroll on iPads and to prevent "White Flash" when loading.

The demo of this widget shows a document which was created using a word processor, exported as HTML and uploaded to the server. The author of the doc can update the content and upload it to the server with the same file name so that it overwrites replaces the existing one.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.

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