Viewing Backup feature

Backup feature

User: Susan S. 7 years ago
I have sites I should have backed up ages ago.

I decided to try the backup feature with one of mine. So I went to the Projects Window and clicked Make Backup on the menu.

It says Backing up project file. And it finishes.

Where is it?

Once, ages ago, I shared a file with a client via Dropbox. But it's not in that folder. In another Dropbox folder, there is an Everweb file. But I don't know what it is and I don't know how to find out. It could be the one I just tried to back up or it could be a different one, who knows with the name on it.

So I guess my questions are:

How do I change the location where EverWeb is putting the folders in Dropbox?

How do I find out if that file in my Dropbox is the one I just tried to backup (there isn't a date on it like the other files I add to Dropbox)?

I have 14 websites to backup and those "names" Everweb uploads with are crazy. How do I know which is which?

Can those file names be changed?


User: Paul-RAGESW 7 years ago
Hi Susan,

In your projects window you can click the little arrows next to the project file to get to all the backups.

You can change the location of the backups from the Preferences.

I have 14 websites to backup and those "names" Everweb uploads with are crazy. How do I know which is which?

From the projects window you will be able to get the backups.

Can those file names be changed?

You shouldn't rename the files, you should use the projects window as described above.

This video will explain the backups feature in more detail

Hope this helps!

EverWeb Developer

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