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Add a contact form

User: J. Christopher D. 7 years ago
I'm thankful for the availability of the two EW contact forms but would like to use a form from my previous site.

Is it possible to add a contact form to my EW site? I'm interested in this form but it requires uploading bits to a subdirectory and embedding the from using iframe.

It looks straight forward to accomplish but I wonder if it's possible with EW.

User: Paul-RAGESW 7 years ago
Hi Chris,

It is possible to use that contact form but you would have to adjust some of the file paths to point to the correct location.

You would have to add the PHP files to the assets list, right click and select Get Relative Path and use that for the file paths in your code.

It would be much easier to convert your forms to use the built in ones though.

They should accomplish everything you need, expect for, at the moment, the captchas. We will add that feature though.

EverWeb Developer
User: J. Christopher D. 7 years ago
Hi Paul,

Thanks for the quick reply. I'm currently using the advanced EW contact form and it works as advertised. However, the form I used previously was secure, formatted for easy filtering, and included the IP address of the submitter (hugely useful for identifying the time zone of a prospect). The subject line read "Contact form submission from <name>" and was useful for filtering and quickly locating a specific form browsing subject lines.

I'll work through the code and see if I can get it to work.


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