Viewing Header & Footer - purpose and control

Header & Footer - purpose and control

User: Benson S. 7 years ago
New to Everweb. Creating a simple vanity website. No master pages.

What is usual purpose of the Header? Mine contains only my Nav Menu. Except on Home page I added a color filled rectangle to obscure top of Home page background image fill. Is this normal or at least reasonable place for Nav menu? Are there other controls or other ways to add color background to Header area or to Nav Menu.

Why do I want a footer? What is usual content of a footer?

Header/Footer tutorials discuss size adjustments and adding codes (no clue what codes I would want to add), but not common practice.

User: Paul-RAGESW 7 years ago
Hi Benson,

Welcome to community!

The header, content area and footer help you better organize and design your website. You will notice that objects places in the header and drag them down, the content area and footer are also pushed down, allowing you to make changes to those sections easily.

The header usually has your navigation bar and your footer will have things like copyright information, about sections or important links. Of course it is up to you what you would like to put in each section.

It sounds like you are using the sections correctly to add the background colours.

Header/Footer tutorials discuss size adjustments and adding codes (no clue what codes I would want to add), but not common practice.

Here there is some confusion over the header/footer design area (which is what I was referring to above) and the header/footer code that lets you place custom code (such as analytics, visitor tracking etc...). If you don't know what this is, you can ignore it because it is just for advanced features it sounds like you do not need.

EverWeb Developer
User: Roddy 7 years ago
This page has an illustration of which things go where in a web page and also shows how the hierarchy of HTML headings works for best SEO results.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Benson S. 7 years ago
Thanks, Paul & Roddy - very helpful


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