Viewing Password Protection

Password Protection

User: Philip R. 7 years ago
Hi, Password protection requires publishing to an Everweb+Hosting account, what are the other ways to have a password protection on my page since I'm using other hosting account? Thanks!
User: EverWeb Support 7 years ago
Hi, Philip!

Having a password protected page adds some requirements to the server. It is technically done on the server side and that's why that feature only available to our hosting users, to provide that we need them to be on our server. However, we aren't the only one who provide such functionality and chances are your hosting provider offers something like that too. So I recommend contacting them with this question.


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User: Roddy 7 years ago
Password protection is set up via a .htaccess file and a .htpasswd file on the server.

If your hosting service uses Webshell as the file manager, there is a wizard for setting up password protection.

Otherwise you should look for instructions online or contact your hosting service if you are not comfortable doing it yourself.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Philip R. 7 years ago
Thanks a lot!

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