Viewing reordering Projects List

reordering Projects List

User: Susan S. 7 years ago
This is driving me nuts (OCD, ugh!)

My projects window is not alphabetical.

It is not in the order the sites were created.

It is not in the order of the most recently opened.

It appears totally random.

Is there some way to change the order of how the projects appear in the Projects Window?

Thank you for any help.

User: Roddy 7 years ago
Opentt he projects window and at the top of the list you will see "Recent Projects".

To the right of this are the little up/down arrowheads.

Click these and you will get the options to "Sort By Name" or "Sort By Last Modified".


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
✔ Best Answer  
User: Susan S. 7 years ago
Thanks Roddy,

I totally knew it was going to be something so obvious! Happy 4th of July!


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