Viewing Password protect videos

Password protect videos

User: Susan S. 7 years ago
I know you can password protect pages if hosting is with Everweb but how do I do that elsewhere?

I have a client with 2 websites (one is actually hosted with Everweb). The one that is NOT hosted with Everweb is a large site that she sells classes/lessons off of. She has pre-paid her hosting so she isn't interested in moving to Everweb right now and I don't think she can. She password protects video lessons and I believe that even with the largest hosting plan she would go over the bandwidth limit.

So how can I set up a page with Everweb and outside hosting so they have to put a password in to access the page. Has anyone done this with Everweb and outside hosting? She would like me to do the website but I don't even want to start on this if it won't work. Or if it's super complicated.


Thank you,

User: Roddy 7 years ago
Password protection is set up via a .htaccess file and a .htpasswd file on the server.

If your hosting service uses Webshell as the file manager, there is a wizard for setting up password protection. Otherwise you should look for instructions online or contact your hosting service if you are not comfortable doing it yourself.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.

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