Viewing Override snapping

Override snapping

User: Damon Z. 7 years ago

How can I override snapping when moving and resizing objects?
Standard in Mac apps seem to hold down Cmd while dragging, but that (or other) keys don't seem to do it in EverWeb.

User: EverWeb Support 7 years ago
Hi, Damon!

It sounds like you have a lot of elements and guidelines are enabled. When that happens and you resize one element it hops to these guidelines. But you can disable them in EverWeb > Preferences > General > uncheck both Show guides options.

Hopefully, I got you correctly.


EverWeb Customer Support
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User: Damon Z. 7 years ago
Well... I want to be able to just temporally disable snapping... most of the time I want it on.
Having to go into preferences and disable, then back to move/scale the object, then back to preferences to turn it on again is not a viable solution...
User: Paul-RAGESW 7 years ago
Hi Damon,

It is something we can definitely add in a future version of EverWeb. Thanks for the suggestion, we will look into it!

EverWeb Developer

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