Viewing Reducing File size on computer

Reducing File size on computer

User: Geoffrey P. 7 years ago
I reduced my web site down to a few pages, saved and published. Large reduction. However, the file ".everweb" is still the same size as the original, it still has all the original files. Is there a non manual (individual file delete) way of deleting these files or are they always going to be there?
User: wellnl 7 years ago
Hi Geoffrey

If you go to the Assets tab and click on the up/down arrows to the right of the word Asset you will see a drop down menu. Select Find UnUsed Assets. This will highlight any image files that are not used and can be deleted. This should help. Otherwise use the assets list to check the size of the image files that are used in case you have any large files that may need reducing in size (you would do this in a graphics editing program). You would need to delete the original large asset and replace it with the smaller sized asset file.

Hope that helps

User: Geoffrey P. 7 years ago
Hi Simon, thank you, I did not even know that existed. That should do it. GeoffreyP

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