Viewing Uploading entire to get rid of old files on server
Uploading entire to get rid of old files on server
User: james 7 years ago
I recently replaced versions of several very large PDF files - greatly increasing my total use of the site space without increasing total use. I checked the forum and found advice that "publish entire site" was the only way to do this. I just did that, quit and restarted EverWeb, and get the exact same space use reading – this should have gone down considerable, shouldn't it? I'm talking about over half a gig. | |
User: james 7 years ago
…and this took less than a half hour for over 2 gigs !? | |
User: Don B. 7 years ago
I'm not sure of this will help. I had some old/obsolete pages on my websites. Every one in a while one would show up on an Internet search. Uploading the entire website did NOT take care of the problem. Instead I had to go to my website files where they are stored online and remove them there. Since my websites are hosted by GoDaddy they make it very easy to access the file management for my websites. If you are using a different hosting service it may be more difficult. | |
User: Roddy 7 years ago
In asking this question, you need to be clear about ... [a] Are you uploading to EverWeb or another server? [b] Are you uploading via the built in FTP or publishing to a local folder and upliading via an FTP app? For reasons best known to myself, I publish to a local folder and the upload using Yummy FTP Pro. If I publish the entire site, all the files and folders are overwritten in the local version and redundant files are placed in the trash. You can verify this by actually opening the trash and taking a look. If I upload the files in these various folders, the redundant files are not overwritten. If I upload the actual folders, the redundant files are overwritten. Cleaning house on the server is a lot eaier using an FTP app than logging in to your hosting account and using the file manager. Most users probaly don't need all the options in Yummy Pro but it's worth giving Yummy Lite a whirl if you like to keep your hosting account clean and tidy. ------------------------------- Roddy Website: Contact: NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own. |
User: Pete V. 7 years ago
I think I'm seeing something similar to what James is experiencing. I use Asset Management feature to remove files that I no longer want available on my web site. I can confirm the files aren't in the Asset list anymore. In addition, I go directly to the directory on the hard drive where the Assets are stored and the unwanted files are no longer there. Cool. Gone. I log into my web host (not EverWeb but 1&1) via ftp and I can use ftp commands (delete) to remove the unwanted files. Via ftp commands, I confirm that I have removed the files from the ewExternalFiles directory on my web server. I then do a Publish Site (from both the dropdown menu and the Publish icon). In both instances, the deleted asset is back on my web server. I have no idea where it's coming from! But I think I have confirmed that the files are coming from Everweb because I removed them from my web server (1&1). Is there another step that I missing? I have also tried to shut down and restart Everweb but that didn't help. The deleted assets keep coming back. Thanks for any guidance. Pete | |
User: Paul B. 7 years ago
I presume in these cases of deleted webpages not being deleted that it is not a webserver cache issue? Browser cache would be too obvious. | |
User: Pete V. 7 years ago
Today's a new day. It's not browser cache as I did try that approach. There may be a bit of a time delay (server cache, perhaps) because this morning, when I published changes to my web site, the data that would not go away yesterday did not get timestamped with today's date. But it was still on the web server. The assets are gone in EverWeb but the only way I could solve this problem was to manually delete the files on the web server (via ftp commands which is the only access I have). Now, when I publish, the files don't mysteriously reappear as they were doing yesterday. But if I have to manually delete all files on the web server that align to assets that I remove in EverWeb, this could be quite time consuming. I would've thought that when I publish the entire site, my web server root directory (or External files?) would be replaced completely. Any thoughts? If I make my project smaller in EverWeb but the ftp site still contains all the files, then I'm wasting storage on my web site. | |
User: Don B. 7 years ago
Yes, as stated above, they are still in a folder on your ftp site. You have to go into your ftp site and remove the files you don't want. Sorry. | |
User: Richard H. 7 years ago
Not meaning to be nasty, but this is really dumb. I have the same problem. I am publishing to a remote server. I keep getting old test files showing up, so I deleted the entire site. I then published again and, lo and behold, there are the old files.. It is also interesting to note that the files in question are now showing up in a directory that is not the same one that the test files were originally in. The old files are obviously hanging around in EverWeb somewhere hidden to me. Go figger. Does anyone know what is going on here and how to fix it? Perhaps the folks who wrote EverWeb? |
User: Wim V. 7 years ago
I have noticed this problem too. If you go to the everweb file of your website on your hard disk and right click > show package contents you see all the old files. I would really like to know how to get rid of them. Saving and publishing doesn't solve that problem. What's strange is that publishing to the ftp server will upload all those old files. If you delete them from the server and publish again, they will upload again. But if you publish to your hard disk it publishes the correct files (the new version without all the old stuff). Then you can use a ftp client to upload the site. However, that is not the behaviour I expect...
Last edit 7 years ago |
User: Paul-RAGESW 7 years ago
HI, The old files in your project file don't cause older files from being published. All that is happening is the old files are still there on your computer so when you publish changes they may be re-published to your server. EverWeb is not re-publishing them. In EverWeb 2.6 and later this shouldn't happen As well in older versions if you publish your entire site the cached local files will be removed and will never be published again. That is why when you published to a folder you didn't see the older files there. You had published a new version of your website which didn't publish those files. ------------------------------- Paul EverWeb Developer |
User: Wim V. 7 years ago
Somehow I have a different experience. The only way to get a working website that contains only the most recent and needed files is to "export entire site" to disk and then upload the website with a ftp client (I use cyberduck). If I publish directly using the built-in ftp of everweb (either using entire site or changes only) many things go wrong. Looking at the contents of the everweb package I see many old files and assets, even though I have searched for unused assets and removed them. They just keep stuck there and they DO get published with everweb's built-in ftp. Fortunately they do NOT get published to my hard disk, so that's a clean copy. | |
User: Paul-RAGESW 7 years ago
Hi Wim, When publishing to FTP, use the File->Publish Entire Site option and it will not re-publish the deleted files. ------------------------------- Paul EverWeb Developer |
User: Wim V. 7 years ago
Very strange Paul. When I use "File->Publish Entire Site" it does republish some deleted pages and assets and it also doesn't publish some of the new pages. Something definitely goes wrong there. For the moment I prefer to stick to the two-step method. It's watertight and works well. Perhaps I should try to re-install everweb. And by the way, is there a possibility to "clean up" the everweb website file? As I said, when I secondary click on the file and choose "show package contents" there is so much stuff that I deleted. And, also by the way, Everweb is great! | |
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