Viewing Allowing others to view an unpublished EverWeb file

Allowing others to view an unpublished EverWeb file

User: Graham F. 7 years ago
I have seen the video on how to collaborate on a shared EverWeb file using DropBox, so I assume the collaborator needs a copy of EverWeb to do so. What if I just want someone else to be able to see it only, "as if" it were published in html on the net, but is yet unfinished? Is that possible somehow?
User: Paul-RAGESW 7 years ago
HI Graham,

The best thing to do would be to publish it to a sub directory. You can do the from the File menu->Edit Publishing Settings and enter a directory name in the sub directory field. That will be a URL you can share with someone that no one will who does not have the link can see.

EverWeb Developer
✔ Best Answer  
User: Graham F. 7 years ago
Thanks! There's always a way to get things the way I want with EverWeb.

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