Viewing Page Background Issues

Page Background Issues

User: Jennifer S. 7 years ago
I am having some trouble getting the picture I've set as background to work as I'd like.

Initially I'd set it (accidentally, I believe) as my browser background, and although it worked perfectly that way on a macbook/desktop/laptop view, when I view the site on my iPad I could see a blown out version of the picture and with only a top corner of the picture.

I'm now seeing that I probably should have used the page background for my picture but now the picture is too small.

Are there size parameters for the picture as background to fit best? I want this to behave as a fixed background as the page scrolls atop it and peaks through as sections of the web contact scroll along.

My site is It is currently (as of 1pm EST 1.16.17) set to on the browser background (not page background) and "stretch". It would be helpful if you could look at it on both a macbook/laptop/desktop and iPad.

The mobile version (smart phone) works fine.
Thanks for any help you can provide.
User: EverWeb Support 7 years ago
Hi, Jennifer!

I wouldn't say there is a way to make your background look perfect on any device. And there are no hidden settings that you are looking for. Basically, all you can do is to play around with different settings in the background section.

Also, if you tried everything and you still don't like the looks of it, you can simply add the image as an element and resize it to fit the entire page. You can set it to look exactly as you want it to but there might be other nuances. You can set this element to be fixed too in Inspector > Metrics.


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