Viewing Contact Form not Reply-to email

Contact Form not Reply-to email

User: Gary S. 7 years ago
I've been using the standard Contact Form widget for about 2 years and it's been working great, but in the last week, the "Reply-to" email address is not working and all emails show my email address as the "Sender" and also the "Receiver" so if I Reply to an email from the Contact Form, it only comes back to my email.
Yesterday I changed to the new Advanced Contact Form thinking this might fix it, but same result.
User: Paul-RAGESW 7 years ago
Hi Gary,

Many web servers are making it difficult to send email from contact forms with the user entered email address. We'd have to implement a third party service to support this 100% of the time.

However for version 2.1 or 2.2 we will improve this though.

EverWeb Developer
User: Radoslaw K. 7 years ago
I have been using everweb since it hes been firs relisted to public with no problem.
Since I updated to version 2.0.2 Build 1661 I have the same problem as Gary.
Can this be fixed ?

User: Radoslaw K. 7 years ago
I have been using everweb since it hes been firs relisted to public with no problem.
Since I updated to version 2.0.2 Build 1661 I have the same problem as Gary.
Can this be fixed ?

User: wellnl 7 years ago
Hi Norbert, the new contact form advanced widget in 2.1 should fix this problem. I've tried it successfully in the new beta which is available here

User: Craig R. 7 years ago
I was having the same problem. Updated to Beta 2.1 and now the contact form doesn't send an email at all. The page says email sent but I am not receiving anything! Please help!
User: Craig R. 7 years ago
I was having the same problem. Updated to Beta 2.1 and now the contact form doesn't send an email at all. The page says email sent but I am not receiving anything! Please help!
User: wellnl 7 years ago
Hi Craig
The email will be sent but may not go through the "sorting Office" correctly. I had the same issues at first so try the following
1. Remember to fill in the send to box at the top of the form. It may sound obvious but it's easy to miss. Remember that the email address must have been set up beforehand
2. Check the password is correct. You may want to reset it then try again. When you reset the password also flow and reopen the project or even EverWeb itself before trying the form
3. Publish the website. Don't use preview as it won't work
4. Follow the instructions using the help button in the widget. This takes you to an EverWeb knowlegebase page that should help you with the right settings
5 if using your own hosting and not from EverWeb check with your host provider about the value you need to set in the contact form

Hope that helps


Last edit 7 years ago

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