Viewing Image Galleries and Social Media

Image Galleries and Social Media

User: John P. 7 years ago
I'm a little confused about the function and behavior of social media buttons in Image Galleries. I'd been under the impression that Slideshows launched from Image Galleries would display a Tweet and Facebook Like button if Show Social Share Buttons was checked (as per the video on Image Galleries). However, I see only a Tweet button on my slideshows; no Facebook Like button.

Additionally, when I click on the Tweet button, a Twitter window appears allowing users to compose a tweet with the text defaulting to the title of the web page. I guess this wasn't exactly the behavior I was expecting. Rather, I had thought users would be able to Tweet the actual image being display (or, perhaps, a link to the displayed image). Am I missing something in setting up my Image Gallery?
User: wellnl 7 years ago
Hi John

I had a look at this and found that if I preview, the Facebook like did not show, but if I publish it does show. Try publishing your website and see if it appears. It also does look like that when you tweet you get the web page name. I think that's just how it works. Maybe put that part of the question in to a feature request! May be something for the future for EverWeb to consider!

Good luck


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