Viewing Import an iWeb Blog into Everweb?

Import an iWeb Blog into Everweb?

User: Alexander S. 7 years ago
I've just downloaded EW2, looking forward to import my iWeb blog and I've got as far as the import blog button...

Is there a tutorial, as I'm not quite sure where to point this as I though the blog was inside the old iWeb 'domainsites2' file?

Last edit 7 years ago
User: Alexander S. 7 years ago
User: Roddy 7 years ago
You can see in the list of Video Tutorials that the one about importing blog posts is "coming soon".

There is however an instructional manual available via iTunes.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Paul-RAGESW 7 years ago
You can use the link Roddy provided or the EverWeb manual under the Help menu which provides detailed steps.

The basic steps are;
1. Export your website from iWeb to a local folder
2. Click the Import button as you already have in EverWeb and then just select your exported iWeb site.

EverWeb takes care of the rest.

EverWeb Developer
User: Alexander S. 7 years ago
I was stoked when I saw this feature in an update email as I used to do loooong image heavy blogs for each project in iWeb and its been a real chore trying to copy and paste it all across, so a HUGE thank you for the effort in creating this tool guys, though I’m not getting the expected result just yet :)

Here is what I did…...

1. In iWeb 'Publish Settings’ I changed the ‘publish to’ dropdown to ‘local folder’.
2. In iWeb I selected eg Desktop as the new folder location.
3. In iWeb, I went to File then “Publish Entire Site’.
4. A folder with the entire site, images, pages etc. was created on the desktop.
5. In Everweb, I added a blog page and selected import.
6. In Everweb I selected the new folder iWeb had created on the desktop and clicked ‘open'
7. In Everweb I selected blog (I have more than one) and clicked to import one of them.

In a few seconds the Blog was created…. though with no images and only the first bit of text (where there are other text boxes e.g. after each image in the blog post)

Is the feature limited to only bringing across the first bit of text?
User: Paul-RAGESW 7 years ago
HI Alexander,

Sorry to hear you are having trouble.

EverWeb's importer does the best that it can. It could be some other elements on your page are interfering with the import. There is virtually an infinite number of possible formats that your website could be in so this could be the issue.

I would first try going to the File menu and making sure you publish your entire site and not just the changes with iWeb.

If you still have issues, please contact customer support so we can get your exported iWeb website and try it here.

EverWeb Developer

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