Viewing Publishing to an Everweb server

Publishing to an Everweb server

User: Susan S. 7 years ago
I've used Everweb for a while and I use an outside host. I made a website for a client and she has Everweb hosting.
We both work on the site, so the file is in dropbox. I've been publishing it to a test folder on my host.

Now she wants to start publishing it to her Everweb space but it isn't associated with her domain yet, she doesn't want to move her domain to Everweb until we get the site ready to go

So my question is... where do we see the site? I think I am understanding it correctly that for me to publish this site I'll just sign in with her email and password to her Everweb account and click publish. But at what URL can we see/test the site if it's not associated with a domain? Will it be at like

Thanks, Susan
User: Daniel B. 7 years ago
I THINK you need to add her website domain as an "Add-on domain."

(There is also a "subdomain" option; I don't know the difference!)
User: Susan S. 7 years ago
LOL no idea what that means!
User: Paul-RAGESW 7 years ago
Hi Susan,

I recommend you publish it to a folder so you can preview it locally, or you can publish it to an existing account you have to test and make sure it works.

Once you see it works publish it to her account and then you can switch the domain over.

But at what URL can we see/test the site if it's not associated with a domain? Will it be at like

There is no URL associated with the website until switch your domain to point to our servers OR transfer it to our servers.

Once you publish it to her account, you can email us BEFORE you do the switch and we can send you a special URL to preview it if you really need it.

EverWeb Developer
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