Viewing I give up, what did I do to get this?

I give up, what did I do to get this?

User: james 7 years ago
Everything was fine on the blog/home page and the blog index page – text was to the right of the thumbnail and there was no huge gap at the top of the index page. NOW, after the last update, and multiple attempts to reverse everything I might have changed, I get the result you see now – text drops down on both main and index pages next to thumb and huge gap at top of index page, WHAT did I do? And what do I have to do to fix it? Thanks. with link to index page lower left.
User: james 7 years ago
OK, the second issue, the drop down on the INDEX page was because I had a "return" in the page title box bringing the box in contact with the automated index box. Separated the boxes and that part is back to normal. BUT still can't figure out what I did to screw up the formatting of the index and home page entries.
User: james 7 years ago
Can't believe I found it. I had to eliminate that nice neat little "return" between image and text in the blog entries. Looks jammed up there but solves the problem. Man this thing is touchy. Anyway, sorry I wanted to give up so easily.
User: Paul-RAGESW 7 years ago
Hi James,

I am not sure what your website URL is so I can't say with 100% certainty but the issue you are describing I believe will be fixed in 2.1.

EverWeb Developer
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