Viewing How do I....get rid of the extra space at the bottom? Arrrgghhh!

How do I....get rid of the extra space at the bottom? Arrrgghhh!

User: Daniel B. 7 years ago

Tried looking for a ghost text box, footer heir settings, page height....????

Thank you!
User: Paul-RAGESW 7 years ago
Hi Daniel,

The object causing the white space is the text object where you entered "Copyright 2016 Austin Moonlight" and your twitter link.

If you can't see it go to the Window menu and select Show layout in EverWeb to outline all objects on your page.

Also you placed all of your objects in the header area of your page. There are three sections in EverWeb, header, body content, and footer.

When you use the Show Layout feature you will see blue lines separating them all. I do suggest you build your site with the objects in the correct sections of your page.

EverWeb Developer
✔ Best Answer  
User: Daniel B. 7 years ago
"You placed all of your objects in the header area of your page." OOOOOppppps! Is there some kind of Everweb Darwin Award? :-) Thank you!

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