Viewing Problems publishing Mobile Blog

Problems publishing Mobile Blog

User: Keith H. 7 years ago
I finally got around to adding a mobile News Blog page, but I don't see it on my mobile device. I either stay on the page I'm on when I select "News" from the menu, or get my mobile 404 message. All my other mobile pages work fine, it's just the Mobile News blog.
On the main News Blog page, I have Mobile Settings point to "One of my pages" - "Mobile News" (which is the Main Mobile Blog page), and the Mobile Blog page "Mobile Setting" is setup with "None" and "This page is for mobile devices" ticked.
For the main posts page, I've got Mobile Setting set to None, as I cannot see the posts page to point it towards (I am assuming that if I get to the Main Mobile News blog page, it will automatically find the posts and archive associated with it?).
I have flushed memory on the mobile Safari app, and even went through a power cycle to ensure there was no pointers towards "legacy" pages, but the problem remains.

User: Paul-RAGESW 7 years ago
Hi Keith,

Sorry to hear about the problems you are you having.

Can you tell me the URL of the page you are having trouble with?

I will try and reproduce the issue here and get back to you with a solution ASAP.

EverWeb Developer

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