Viewing Set Up Image Slider

Set Up Image Slider

User: Linda C. 7 years ago
I just started using EverWeb and hope to use it to replace iWeb.

I'm trying to add an image slider to a webpage. I've watched the video and read the transcript several times.

I've "slid" the widget onto my website and have the frame resize thingys showing.

However, when I slide photo into/onto my image slider widget window they just pile on top of each other. They don't show up like in the video.

What am I doing wrong?
User: James G. 7 years ago
I am guessing you are using the default EW Image Gallery which also acts as a slideshow.
Instead of dragging images onto the widget, try choosing the images that are in Assets from the Widget Control area on the right. There should be a 'choose' button/drop-down. Get the images how you want them and drop them into Assets, then you can just choose them for most widgets, or drag from assets to the page.
Hopefully that works and helps. If not, provide a little more info so we can figure it out.
User: Roddy 7 years ago
You can load all the images at once if you give them suitable names and drag the from a Finder folder. See THIS page for more info.

Make sure your image files have been optimised and that the file names have no spaces or special characters in them. See THIS page for more info.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Linda C. 7 years ago

Works fine now that I moved the photos to the asset and THEN to the widget.

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