Viewing Contact Form Widget

Contact Form Widget

User: Susan S. 7 years ago
I don't get what I'm doing wrong here. I put a contact for widget on my site and it seems straightforward, yet it's not working. I drag the widget on the page then go to the gear thingy for the widget.

Where it says "email address" I assume I put the email there I want it to send to. I did I've sent 300 tests and I haven't received any of them.

I copied and pasted the email address that is in the footer of the website so I know it's correct. So what trick am I missing.

The page and form are here:

User: Paul-RAGESW 7 years ago
Hi Susan,

Have you checked your spam folder?

Also have you checked the steps in this troubleshooting article for the contact form?

Contact form troubleshooting

EverWeb Developer
User: Susan S. 7 years ago
I think it's about my copy of Everweb, it's literally NOT working at all. I've had a few emails go back and forth with support but Everweb is still down for the count. I have a deadline on Friday for a client website I'm not going to make. When I type even though the text area shows the text as black it's all bright green. I will be typing in paragraph 1 and my cursor jumps to paragraph 3. It won't upload but nothing has changed in any of the info on any of my websites as far as server name and location. I can upload anything to my sites with Fetch and using the same upload/server info (I know it's the exact same because I copied and pasted the info from Everweb to Fetch. Support keeps telling me that I must have the wrong info in the FTP part of Everweb. I don't because it works half the time perfectly. But even when it works I'm not getting that "upload circle" that shows you the progress of your upload. Something is seriously wrong with my Everweb.

Bottomline is Everweb and my computer are not working together at all. Everything else on my computer , a 1 year old iMac running Sierra is working fine.

User: Paul-RAGESW 7 years ago
Hi Susan,

I reviewed your ticket and I am sorry but I have never heard of an issue where text would be green or your cursor would jump between paragraphs.

It would be much easier if we could continue this conversion in one place, for example the support emails so that we can make sure we don't duplicate our solutions to try.

A response was already sent to you via email so please lets continue the conversion there.

Sorry for the inconveniences.

EverWeb Developer
User: Shuliw W. 7 years ago
I had a question for advance contact form yesterday. I watched 100 times video, I also see. BUT..
MY web can publish right, when I publish it, and "submit" also returns "Your message has been sent!".
After I send all files to my hosting , click "submit", not to get "Your message has been sent!", "submit" have not responding.
help me

Last edit 7 years ago
User: Paul-RAGESW 7 years ago
Have you reviewed the trouble shooting tips here;

If so have you also checked your spam folder?

EverWeb Developer

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