Viewing Making a website accessible only for specific individuals?

Making a website accessible only for specific individuals?

User: Ben L. 7 years ago
I've built an EverWeb website. It's actually loaded up on the the domain name site. But I have to confer with partners on the content ... before we make the site active.

In the meanwhile, to make it inaccessible, I just went online (using Transit) and changed a single letter in the folder that contains the website material. So it doesn't load.

What is the traditional way to have a site uploaded, but accessible only by chosen individuals? I remember I did this last year, using the Forum advice, but can't remember what I did, and can't find the thread.

As mentioned, the site is already uploaded, but with a blocker letter so it won't load. I'm trying to figure out if there is a way to make the existing site accessible to chosen parties, but still blocked for general access, until I can get my partners to sign off on it? (I'm in an isolated location with very low bandwidth, would rather not have to upload the whole thing again).

All ears, Ben
User: Roddy 7 years ago
As I mentioned in my reply to your email, password protection is done on the server.

If you host uses Webshell as the file manager it is relatively easy. If not, you need to do it the hard way! See this article.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
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User: Ben L. 7 years ago
I don't know if I can handle a 'hard' way. I will read article though, for sure. And cross my fingers that HostPapa has a civilized way to do it. Might be easier to publish to a folder, encrypt the folder, and send THAT to my working partner. Though then I'd have to get into encryption, phew, more learning curve. Though I've just finished reading the book on Snowdon; makes one want to start considering encryption as a way-of-life.

Thank you Roddy

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