Viewing Large Video Files for Download

Large Video Files for Download

User: Yelena 7 years ago
I need to be able to create pages where customers can download video files. I compressed the files but when I try to create a link EW tells me the file is too large and may slowdown my website. What is the solution?

MacBook Pro OS X 10.10.3
IMac 21" OS X 10.10.3
User: Roddy 7 years ago
Files which are zipped and uploaded to the server to be downloaded via a hyperlink do not load with the web page content so will not effect the page download time. On the other hand, they do take up quite a lot of storage space on the server.

A lot of Mac users don't seem to realise that, using the Finders Compress feature, creates a zip which is alien to Windows users. The freeware YemuZip will create the compressed files so that they are Windows friendly.

Any one who creates websites should check out their EasyCrop app for cropping and optimising images and EasyBatchPhoto for batch processing.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Yelena 7 years ago
Thanks Roddy, I did use YemuZip....

MacBook Pro OS X 10.10.3
IMac 21" OS X 10.10.3

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