Viewing Preview Options Not Working :( Please Help!

Preview Options Not Working :( Please Help!

User: Jennifer S. 7 years ago
None of my Preview options work to illustrate exactly what my site will look like after publishing. No pictures showing. Fonts are different than setup in EverWeb.

Chrome displays the following error....
Your file was not found
It may have been moved or deleted.

In other programs I've used, I'm accustomed to seeing the exact page (for the most part) that will be published. This is no where even CLOSE to what I'm seeing in the EverWeb program.
Is there something I'm missing?
Help please!
User: Paul-RAGESW 7 years ago
It sounds like you are using version 1.9.6 on macOS Sierra. Please see our announcement on the macOS Sierra version and how to check for an update (EverWeb menu->Check for Update)

EverWeb Developer
✔ Best Answer  
User: Jennifer S. 7 years ago
Hi Paul. I tried to do the update from within Everweb program but it gave me the following message:

"The application cannot be installed, would you like to download the update from our website?

You can download the update from our website instead of updating from within the Application. None of your data will be overwritten.

Parent folder is not writeable."
At which point I opted to go to the website to update, but update available on the website to correspond with MacOS Sierra. :(

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