Viewing Copy an object from a master page and paste into a regular page?

Copy an object from a master page and paste into a regular page?

User: Robert M. 7 years ago
I have discovered it is impossible to edit an object from a Master Page while it is on a regular page. After building several master pages to use as templates for image galleries I am stuck not being able to edit the objects I used as placeholders on my master page when they are applied to my webpages. Is there a way to:

1) save a master page or a regular webpage as a template?

2) duplicate the contents of a master page and paste them into a new webpage?

thank you!
User: James G. 7 years ago
You should be able to edit anything on a Master and have it reflect on any page using that Master. If an object is on a Master, it cannot be edited from a regular page, only from/on Master.
You should be able to copy any object from a Master and paste it onto any other page, I do it often. All Footer info and linked site name get copied to each Master from my original Master.
Not sure what you are trying to do. The site I am working on now has 4 Master pages, depending on the layout I want for each page. When it is done I may have 6-8 Master pages in use.
User: Robert M. 7 years ago
I set up a master page with placeholder images in a grid. My intention was to use this master page as the starting point for several galleries of images. But the placeholder images cannot be edited, not copied from that master page and pasted onto a new regular page. I've remade the grid in a regular page and am duplicating that page each time.

Last edit 7 years ago
User: James G. 7 years ago
If a regular page is tagged to follow a Master, anything on Master cannot be changed from regular page and needs to be changed on Master. If you create a Master, you can copy the content and paste it onto another page. If you have a grid of 8 images and like the layout but want different images on each page- copy the group, paste onto a new page, then deselect all, select the one you want to change, open Assets list and grab an image and drag and drop it onto selected image and new image should replace it. Keep in mind it will fill the space that was marked out for original image and may not look right.
It looks like you are doing about the same thing.
I look at Master pages as a template to use and as a template to copy. I often have Master pages that have no pages following them, they are simply there to save a layout in a specific place and copy it to other pages, whether they follow a Master or not.
User: Robert M. 7 years ago
That's where I'm having trouble, in pasting into a new page. Paste is dimmed when trying to paste objects from a master page to a regular page, and command P only gives me the error sound.
User: Robert M. 7 years ago
I have managed a workaround, in setting up these new pages that I'm duplicating. I'd prefer to have these pages saved as templates in case (or when) I manage to mess one up.
User: James G. 7 years ago
"That's where I'm having trouble, in pasting into a new page. Paste is dimmed when trying to paste objects from a master page to a regular page, and command P only gives me the error sound."

I would start a new project and if this happens in the new project I would open a support ticket, you should be able to copy just about anything.

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