Viewing Content Width dimmed?

Content Width dimmed?

User: Robert M. 8 years ago
When I look at my pages via Safari (I've not yet published to the server) my page is narrow. I would like to have the page fill the window more fully, but the 'Content Width' input is dimmed, and the up/down arrows for it do not work. he number is set to 1096. I'm obviously missing something, what is the fix?

I'm new to EverWeb but a long-time iWeb user. Loving this software.

Last edit 8 years ago
User: James G. 8 years ago
It sounds like you are using Master Page, try changing it there.
User: Robert M. 8 years ago
Hi Jim, Even on the Master page it is dimmed, but I have just managed to make the page wider by moving one of the elements on the master page over, but by dragging not by inputting a number. Is this normal?
User: James G. 8 years ago
It seems like I have encountered something like this before, but do not fully remember.
I would say try making a new page and see what happens. You can even create a new project and mess around in it.
If you cannot get it working, post in Bug Reports.

Keep in mind that it will display how the person's computer is set up. I am on MBP 13 inch and Safari does not fill the screen, so a 1096px wide page means I would have to scroll sideways. Where for someone else it may only fill part of the browser.

Are you copying a page from iweb and pasting it in EW? If so, that may be doing it by bringing over a page setting.
User: Robert M. 7 years ago
No, I'm starting new. Complete re-design. I've been making this on a 21"(?) iMac and on a MBP 17". Does look different on both when I load from the external drive. The new project is a good idea. Will give that a go next tomorrow. Trying to get some basics down before I sit down and build this whole giant site.

Thank you Jim!

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